First play-through done!

Yesterday, despite a big headache I was able to finish Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.

I was missing only Wakanda and the final Nanite relay tower, so I grimaced through it. What can I say? The end boss was a partial letdown, he doesn’t have the charisma of other super villains, despite the cinematic battle (I really love how the environment “feels” boss battles in MUA2). It won’t change my overly positive feeling about the game. After all, it’s not the first action RPG that fails to deliver a respectable endgame boss: Diablo 2, Divine Divinity and Dungeon Siege bosses are equally uninspired, compared to the overall game pace.

After completing the game, the heroes remains in Wakanda, to let you replay older missions and unlock missed content. The Wakanda mission terminal allows you to start a new game plus, where all the stats and unlockables are carried over. As soon I will get The Hulk (I’m not really sure where and what I missed, yet), I will try to bite the game in online co-op at Legendary difficulty. Heroic was too easy for the most part and I don’t feel to play Pro-Reg on Super Heroic and going through the game again to unlock Legendary achievements.

To add insult to injury, I inspected the heroic deeds of my characters and aside the cosume ones I’ve plenty to do to reach at last half of the total team boosts available. What I learned is that a tactically placed team boost can be a huge difference between triumph and defeat, so to play decently on Legendary I will try to recover the most of them.

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