E74 for me, too!

Well, figure this one: you are done playing COD:WAW and shut down the console to prepare some late-night coffee. Then you return to the desk, anticipating some quality time on Lost Odyssey, turn on the console again and you see that:


I was a fool, I never, ever should’ve plan to play Lost Odyssey again. The poor console couldn’t cope with depression and emo drama like I do. That’s why I played it for the last time several months ago: that day my X360 was scarred for life and today I only helped it to take its last jump.

I tried EVERYTHING to make it work again (including the towel trick), but in the end my X360 looks like it needs to be serviced. I talked to MS and they kindly arranged a pickup with UPS, saying that I will get an Xbox Live refund and some additional goodies to cover the hassle. In Italy that kind of error will be serviced in ten days average but Microsoft says that it can take up to three weeks.

I guess I did the right thing to pick up Metroid Trilogy 🙂

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